The story of David certainly is one that is captivating and inspiring as we watch a shepherd boy leave the fields of Bethlehem and become one of the most significant kings in the history of Israel. David is one of the Old Testament biblical heroes from which we draw strength as we watch the purposes of God unfold in his life and reflect on the gifts, wisdom, and anointing that God had graciously given unto him. The story of our text reminds us that no one becomes what God desires for them to be without having to be tested and tried on every hand.
September 1, 2019
It Won't Be An Easy Journey
(1 Samuel 18:8-16; 19:8-12)
September 15, 2019
I'm Living From The Inside Out
(Philippians 4:4-9)
Whenever I read and study the Epistles of Paul I am always intrigued and challenged by the way he ties together the theological ramifications of the Gospel with the application of the Gospel for one’s Christian living. In every letter that Paul wrote that is a part of the New Testament records you will find that on one hand he speaks of the doctrine of our faith but on the other hand he speaks of our duty to live out this doctrine as believers in Christ.
August 4, 2019.
Can You Live Exposed?
(Genesis 2:25)
The Book of Genesis is the Book of Beginnings. It is a book of the Bible that speaks to us about the divine intentionality of God and the power of a sovereign God who can bring about purposes in spite of the sin issues of a fallen humanity. The writer of Genesis did not write this book of the Bible to defend God but rather to declare to a people who had been in bondage that our God is a God of purpose and power. He is the “One” who spoke creation into existence and brought community out of chaos. Therefore, the Children of Israel were to understand that God could handle any problem on their pilgrimage.
July 28, 2019.
God Is Still In Control
(Daniel 7:1-7; 13-14)
The revelation that is given to us is taken from a revelation that God gave the prophet Daniel while he was in exile in the land of Babylon. And while the revelation was given personally to Daniel because it is a part of biblical revelation it speaks volumes into our lives today. The intent of the revelation is to give comfort, strength, and encouragement to the people of God when we are having to face situations that are discouraging and discomforting. Situations that at least on the surface appear to be so contra distinctive to what God purposes for our lives.
May 24, 2019.
Get Out! (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:5)
The story of out text is a story about Spiritual Liberation. It is the episode of a miracle where we come to realize how God restores, redeems, and resurrects the lives of people that have been dismantled, disturbed and disrupted by the demonic.
May 2, 2019.
But God (Ephesians 2:1-10)
Paul plums the depth of pessimism and then he rises to the height of optimism about God. Paul paints a picture depicting a holy tension between the downward drag of man’s nature and the upward pull of God’s grace. It emphasizes for us what man is by nature and what man can become by grace.
March 3, 2019.
Don't Play With Worship (Colossians 3:16-17)
The “Church” is a body of believers who come together for one expressed purpose and that is to exalt the “Lord Jesus Christ.” Therefore without “Worship” the “Church” seizes to be. Without “Worship” the “Church” has no “Spiritual” vibrancy or life. As “Christians” we worship “Jesus Christ” and “Him” alone.