The story of out text this morning is without question thought provoking and spiritually encouraging. And particularly to those of us who are acquainted with failure. I am convinced that the reason why some people can come to church so cold and callus is that they have a low appreciation for the mercy and grace of God.
I'm Not Suppose To Be Here But I Am.
2 Kings 5:15-27; 8:4
The Proper Place To Give Birth.
Luke 2:1-7
The birth of Jesus is the most dramatic event in all of human history. Yet today there are forces in this world that would seek to negate the Christ of Christmas.
What Are You Waiting For This Christmas?
Luke 2:25-38
What are you waiting for this Christmas? Are you longing for anything? What are you expecting to receive? Are you looking forward to anything special this Christmas?
The Possibilities Are Limitless
Luke 1:26-38
The story of biblical revelation is about a God who issues a call to His people that says, “I want you to rise.” “I want you to live up to the potential and the possibilities that I have purposed for your life.
Give Me Five
Acts 11:19-24; 1st Corinthians 4:20; 1st Thessalonians 1:5
What is the Church? Is there any authenticity to Church? And how do you know when you are really a part of God’s family?
Quitting Ain't In Me
1st Peter 1:3-5
Peter is writing to Christians during a season of serious persecution, and pain, and he wants them to know that in spite of everything you go through don’t let go of Jesus.
I Made Up My Mind That I'm Going To Live For God
Psalm 119:18
God purposes to use you and I to help save, heal, strengthen, and deliver people so that they can continue to experience what it means to live like a child of God.
A Message From An Empty Seat
Luke 14:16-24
The proper theological context, or interpretation as to what Jesus is saying, is that the Jewish people the nation of Israel were first invited to the salvation feast, but the Israelite’s rejected Jesus. Rejected his invitation and now the invitation has been broaden and Gentiles, non-Jews, are now invited to come to the great banquet.
It's A Fight I Can't Afford To Lose
Psalm 13:1-6
The Psalmist has had a personal encounter with “God” in light of the circumstances and the situations of his life experience.
Don't Take God For Granted
Romans 10:1-2; Luke 14:15-24
The people to whom Paul was writing this letter were religious people. They were religious people, but they did not know God.
October 18, 2020
Can You Handle My Dirt?
John 13:1-17
The Church of God has the role and responsibility of being the visible manifestation of the invisible Christ.
October 11, 2020
I'm Excited About My Future.
Romans 4:13-21
There is an excitement, assurance, confidence, and determination that embodies the life of every person who has come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
October 4, 2020
When What You Have Is Not Enough.
John 6:1-14
In life we all experience shortages and short falls. There comes a time in all of our lives when we have more need than we have supply.
September 27, 2020
Everything Is Going To Be Alright
2 Kings 6:8-23
As we read and study the Word of God there is open unto us Spiritual Revelation that can enable us both to be fruitful and faithful for the purpose that God has ordained in our salvation experience. And among the array of Spiritual Insights provided for us is the fact that as the People of God we are engaged in Spiritual Warfare.
September 20, 2020
From A Bitter Place To A Better Place
Exodus 15:22-27
Along this journey of life sometimes you and I will face two different extremes. I call them bitter places and better places.
September 12, 2020
It Happened After Church
Mark 1:21-34
In this particular passage that serves as the basis of our preaching today, we see some characteristic notes; of the ministry of Jesus. There is preaching, teaching, and miracles.
September 6, 2020
God's Got A Word For You
John 1:1-2; 14
John presents Jesus as the eternal pre-existent Christ who came into the world to give a revelation of the father and to bring us into a saving relationship with God through his death and resurrection.
August 30, 2020
Don't Let The Past Block Your Future
Genesis 41:50-52
The life of Joseph is a powerful presentation of how every child of God should live their lives with unrelenting trust in the sovereignty of God.
August 23, 2020
She Touched The Heart Of Jesus
Luke 7:11-17
This sermon is about the widow of Nain and how she touched the heart of Jesus. Leading to Jesus raising her son from the dead. Our pain alone can move the heart of God.
August 16, 2020
Keeping It Real
Psalm 137:1-6
Worship That’s Pleasing To God Has To Be Real.
August 9, 2020
It's Looking Good For Me
Deuteronomy 1:11; 8:16-18; 28:1-15
It’s a wonderful thing to live with a vision, to live with a sense of direction, to live with a destiny, to live with purpose and possibilities, so that one is liberated from the mundane and the mediocre.
August 2, 2020
Action Speaks Louder Than Words
James 2:14-26
The Second Chapter of James starting with the 14th verse is one of the most controversial Scriptures in the New Testament.
July 26, 2020
A Life In Sync With God
Joshua 1:10-15
The Book of Joshua Carries A Theme: The Conquest of the Land of Canaan. It Speaks To Us About How God Brought the Children of Israel Into Their Inheritance to Occupy the Land of Promise.
July 19, 2020
You Can't Have It Both Ways
1 John 1:1-7
This Epistle of John speaks to us about the significance of our fellowship with God.
July 12, 2020
Where Is The Character Of The Church?
Philippians 2:12-18
There Is A Spiritual Mandate And Responsibility That We have As The People of God.
July 5, 2020
Racism And Prejudice In The Church.
Ephesians 2:7-10
How Do We Battle Against Racism And Prejudice In The Church And In Society?
June 28, 2020
Is Jesus Enough
John 6:60-69
Do we insist that Jesus meet certain demands of ours before we follow Him, or is it enough that He is the Son of God and worthy of our allegiance?
June 21, 2020
I Can't Lose
1st Peter 1:1-9
What kind of attitude or disposition would you have if you operated with a mental and spiritual frame work that indicated that nothing and no one could ultimately stop you from fulfilling the destiny designed for your life?
June 14, 2020
When What If Meets I Am
John 11:21,25,26
Whenever we bring to the Lord the problems of our human what if’s, you can rest assure that the answer can be found in His Divine I Am.
June 7, 2020
If Only I Had Another Chance
Luke 16:19-31
This sermon looks at The Rich Man and Lazarus and the reasons why Jesus tells us about Heaven and Hell. The Rich Man wants to become an evangelists but he doesn’t get the chance.
May 31, 2020
Public Enemy Number One
Genesis 4:1-15
Anyone who lives in disrespect and disregard of God and who ruptures their relationship with God becomes Public Enemy Number One.
May 24, 2020
You've Got To Help Me Grow
Ephesians 4:1-16
God’s desire in our salvation experience is to make us disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
May 17, 2020
The Power of Prayer and the Pleasures of Praise
2nd Corinthians 1:11-12
Prayer and Praise is vital to our relationship with God
May 10, 2020
When Mamma Prays
1st Samuel 1:1-6; 27-28
Real Mothers are a class unto themselves. Real Mothers have an investment in the future because their children are the future.
May 3, 2020
Will You Pay The Price Of Righteousness?
(Jeremiah 7:1-12; Luke 23:13-24)
This sermon challenges us to be willing to pay the price to stand for righteousness. Justice and Righteousness must go hand in hand.
April 26, 2020
"When God Departs"
2 Chronicles 15:3-6
God Wants Us To Return To Him
April 19, 2020
"The Lord Is My Shepherd"
Psalm 23:1-6; James 4:13-15
This sermon deals with what should be a believer’s response to the crisis of the coronavirus. Our hope is to be in the Lord who is our Shepherd.
April 12, 2020
What Do You Do With A Jesus Like This? (Matthew 28:1-10)
The basic statement; of the “Christian” “Faith” is that; “Jesus” “Christ” is risen! Yet there are those in every generation determined to challenge this historic affirmation. For years now I have been publicly declaring the advent of “God” into human history in my Christmas messages and the life death and resurrection from the dead of “Jesus” “Christ” in my “Resurrection” messages. And I have noticed an interesting phenomenon. Every year just a few days before “Christmas” and a few days before “Resurrection Sunday” major national publications come out with front-page feature articles raising questions about the historical “Jesus” and questioning whether the basic events surrounding the “Christian” “Faith” are reliable.Their endeavors continued to cut at the very heart of historic “Christian” “Faith.” They declared that the story of the historical “Jesus” ended with “His” death on the cross and the decay of “His” body. They claim that there was no literal “Resurrection.” They also agreed that there probably was no tomb and that “Jesus’” body was likely disposed of by “His” crucifiers not “His” followers. And in a similar vein “Time” “Magazine” produced an issue with the bold typeset on the front cover which read: “Can We Still Believe In Miracles?” So the attackers of biblical truth continue their attacks. Other scholars argue emphatically that all four of the “Gospel” writers declare the literal; and physical “Resurrection” of “Jesus” “Christ” talking about the empty tomb. Discovery Chapel I’m here to tell you this morning that the “Resurrection” is central to our faith.
April 1, 2020
Just Give Me A Towel (John 13:1-17)
God has entrusted the work of the Kingdom into hands that are feeble and often times faltering. And so it behooves us as the people of God to consistently call ourselves into check. We need to check our attitudes, our dispositions, and our motivation for ministry.